Bees are fascinating creatures with a very structured hierarchy. The Queen is the matriarch of the hive and when the hive becomes overpopulated a second queen is sent off with a portion of the hive's population to create another colony elsewhere. The worker bees, infertile females, tend the hive and gather food. The drones, male bees, are responsible for fertilization. Before the winter, the worker bees usher the drones out of the nest where they freeze to death. This is done because there is not enough food supply to keep them all alive throughout their hybernation.
Most of the world’s plants and food supplies rely on pollinators to survive. This piece was created for a curated salon style show to raise funds and awarenes for the bees. The show was at Graven Feather Studio and organized by Art That Moves. 10% of all show proceeds went to the David Suzuki Foundation's efforts to save the bees.