Here is a Case study I wrote for the RGD that features an assignment that Nancy Snow and I developed for our first year graphic design students and features the work of my students Lourdes D'Uniam ... more
Monday was install day! All went went with the set upfor my first solo show. Very excited about this Thiursday's opening reception. Hope you all can make it out.
I just wanted to see what would happen if I took a recognizable corporate logo – chopped it up and sewed it back together again.
Registered Trademark by Saskia van Kampen.
Just... more
Roncesvailles by Saskia van Kampen
Toronto's vernacular signage is an essential yet ephemeral part of our culture. I have become infatuated with our neighbourhood's hand... more
Book of Point.
In her essay “The Macrame of Resistance” Lorraine Wild talks about Peter Dormer’s views on knowledge. She writes: “the tacit knowledge required to make something work is not the same as a... more
Book Cover by Rowan.
The other day I was given a wonderful and colourful book titled: Socked Monkey by a talented young lady named Rowan.
She has been the proud owner of Dale for over a year now and... more
In a shop window along Danforth. Sculpture By Alastair Dickson
One of my first blog posts that I ever wrote featured Toronto artist... more
I believe that I am inching my way closer to my thesis topic for my Design Masters at York U.
It all started with the first project in Research Methodologies class taught by Sandra Gabriel. I walked along the Danforth and then... more
This may be part of a poster series I am working on. More to come...
Dragon by Saskia.